
Dental Implants
A dental implant is a tubular or tapered implant made of titanium (the most biocompatible material) that replaces the natural tooth roots in the jaw bones.
What is the procedure for Dental Implants
Dental implants are usually placed in two steps.
A suitable dental implant style and size is determined based on the assessment, x-rays, and imaging of the jawbone, as well as the comprehensive diagnostic of the mouth.
Next, a titanium tooth root (tooth implant) that looks and functions like a natural tooth root is implanted into the jawbones.
Under local anaesthetic, the tooth is implanted into the jaw bone.
It's suitable for your actual implant tooth after 3 to 6 months, after the jaw bones and tissues have recovered.
Final observations: The final tooth / crown is constructed of ceramic or Zirconia once they are created and shipped to the lab.
Painless Root Canal Treatment
What is Root Canal Treatment?
The pulp (which contains a nerve and feeds blood to the tooth) and the roots of the tooth are extracted during root canal therapy.
Following the removal of the diseased pulp, the core of the tooth, as well as the roots, are cleansed of any leftover pus or infectious mucus.
After that, a filling substance is used to refill the stems and pulp chamber.
The tooth is coated in such a way that germs cannot infiltrate it once again.
The root canal procedure is performed under local anaesthesia, which makes the procedure pleasant and allows you to resume your routine tasks.
Because root canal therapy might make a tooth fragile, it's best to have it covered with a Crown.

Tooth Color Fillings
Tooth colour fillings, also termed as laser inlays or light cure fillings. It's a procedure for restoring damaged, cracked, or decaying teeth to their natural look.
There are several ways for repairing teeth:
Direct fillings - This procedure restores the tooth's original form with a small quantity of material. It's primarily utilised in root canal procedures.
Semi-Direct Fillings — Semi-direct restorations are utilised to fill bigger regions. The tooth is repaired outside of the mouth in this technique.
Indirect Fillings - This type of filling is utilised during a complicated restoration, such as when a tooth is substituted or capped with a replacement tooth.
Crowns & Bridges
Dental crowns, also known as tooth caps or dental caps, are specially designed to fit a specific tooth.
Dental crowns / tooth caps are used for a variety of reasons.
To conduct a smile makeover for gaps between teeth or overlapping teeth after root canal treatment to safeguard a damaged tooth.
Teeth that are yellow or discoloured
Dental implants are used to correct a collapsing bite caused by tooth wear.
Dental crowns usually need two visit
The tooth is trimmed and cleaned at the first session to make room for the new dental cap, and then a silicone solution is used to create a mold of the tooth, which will be sent to the lab.
The dental crown / tooth cap is prepared in 3-4 days and may be placed on the teeth.

Tooth Whitening
Tooth whitening is a quick, non-invasive dental procedure that is used to modify the colour of organic tooth surface.
It is an excellent approach to improve the appearance of your smile.
We utilise a variety of whitening methods, including:
Photoactivated teeth whitening is done totally in the dentist office. The procedure takes around 30 minutes and can whiten your teeth by up to 5 degrees on the colour scale.
Gel whitening may be done both at home and at the office. This whitening is done by taking moulds of your teeth where the dentist will show you how to use the whitening substance in the slots at home. A package including whitening gel injectors and cuvettes will be provided by the practise.
Non-vital teeth whitening is performed on teeth that have been subjected to damage to the gum nerves.
Dental Braces (Orthodontics)
Orthodontics, sometimes known as braces, are artificial prostheses.
That employs wires to correct uneven, misaligned, or proclined teeth and fix gaps amongst teeth.
Crooked or crowded teeth make cleaning difficult and can lead to food accumulation.
As a result, they are more susceptible to dental cavities and gum disorders, which can lead to tooth and bone loss in the longer term.
As a result, orthodontic treatment is necessary not just for cosmetic reasons but also for appropriate function.
It enhances one's personal look and personality while also increasing one's attitude.
It helps to improve the health of your teeth and gums, building them up than they were previously.
It improves the gums and extends the life of your teeth.
Gum and bone loss can be exacerbated by crooked teeth and a poor bite.

Paediatric Dental Treatments
We provide all forms of dental treatment for children, from decayed tooth reconstruction.
From root canal treatment of main teeth, Space Maintainers, and Addiction Breaking Devices.
The biting edges of our back teeth, the molars and premolars, feature ‘pits' (small hollows) and ‘fissures' (grooves)
These dips and cracks can deepen with time, providing a secluded spot for germs, rendering the teeth susceptible to damage.
Every dental problem is handled at our clinic, whether it is the restoration of teeth owing to various reasons such as tooth decay or the placement of crowns in the event of a kid who has lost their tooth enamel to prevent space issues between the molars.
Sealants, which actually shield a child's teeth from rotting, are also recommended.
Sealants are frequently administered between the ages of 6 and 7, when the first adult teeth begin to emerge.
Periodontics (Gum Treatment)
Periodontics is a gum illness that causes swelling and significant deterioration to the tissue and bone that holds the teeth.
Only professional cleaning by a dentist or dental hygienist can remove tartar.
If this condition is not properly treated and promptly, a person's teeth may be lost.
The major causes of this illness are bacteria and tartar.
Gingivitis causes gum irritation, which can progress to Periodontitis if not diagnosed early.
Periodontitis causes the gums to peel away from the teeth, forming pockets.
If the infection and deep pockets persist despite extensive cleansing and medicines, surgery may be required.

Dental Lasers
Teeth whitening, damaged tooth repair, gum contouring, bacteria and pus extraction during root canals, and lesion clearance can be done by lasers.
The benefit of laser treatment is that it reduces pain in comparison to the traditional method of treatment.
Swelling and haemorrhage in the tissues are also decreased.
However, it has drawbacks in addition to advantages.
Because of the laser therapy, several dental treatments are not possible, such as filling gaps between teeth or preparing crowns for big cavities.
Conventional drills are still important to adequately remove a filling, and although lasers could be used to sculpt or shine the filling.
Wisdom Tooth
Wisdom teeth extraction is sometimes a simple surgical operation performed under local anaesthetic.
The removal of wisdom teeth varies from instance to instance.Their misalignment can cause injury to the teeth, jawbone, and nerves.
It frequently hurts or swells, therefore these are also reasons that contribute to wisdom tooth extraction.
The wisdom teeth extraction procedure varies from case to instance.
In certain cases, wisdom teeth extraction is a simple surgical operation performed under local anaesthetic.
In some situations, the tooth may be easily removed in its entirety, while in others, the tooth is connected to the jawbone and must be removed in parts until it is completely removed.

Laminates & Veneers
Dental veneers are custom-made tooth-colored shells that cover the front section of teeth to improve their appearance and replicate the light-reflective characteristics of real teeth.
These shields are very thin and almost undetectable.
Discoloration of teeth, broken teeth, slight distortion, form and size of teeth, or gaps between molars are the most typical problems for which our aesthetic dentistry utilises Dental Veneers.
Veneers for the teeth come in a variety of shapes and sizes.
Composite Veneers are dental veneers that are constructed of tooth-colored resin filling solution and are glued to the tooth using a specific laser beam.
Porcelain is the other substance of option, which is why they are also referred to as ‘porcelain veneers.'
Sports Guards
Sports guards are primarily designed for athletes.
It's to safeguard their teeth from injury while participating in sports.
These sports guards are constructed of a rubber-like material that fits snugly over the gums and teeth, providing buffering to prevent teeth from breaking or chipping.
When participating in any activity that includes physical interaction, it is critical to wear a properly constructed sports guard.

Preventive Sealants
Sealants are thin plastic coverings that are put to the back teeth's biting regions (the molars and premolars).
It's to safeguard their teeth from erosion caused by grinding.
A sealant helps to keep germs and food particles out of the gaps between teeth, preventing dental decay.
It is a noninvasive technique that does not need any cutting or cosmetic treatments.
Dental sealants endure for several decades and can be changed if they become worn out.
Smile Makeover
The procedure entails straightening crooked teeth, as well as brightening them, to give you the ideal smile worn by Celebrities.
During the makeover, the colour of the epidermis, the location of the gums, the colour of the teeth, the thickness of the teeth, and the placement of the upper teeth with the lower lip are all taken into account.

Invisible Braces
Invisible braces have been progressively prevalent.
Invisible braces are constructed of a particular type of thermoplastic that is pharmaceutical grade.
This covering hides the aligners so well that most people won't even notice you're using them.
The Invisible Braces are specially designed and resemble the whitening trays or mouth guards that we all use.
Our Doctors

Dr. Swaroop
MDS, Orthodontist

Dr. Brahmani
MDS, Orthodontist